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The blessings of a small church are gathering often with the fellowship of believers, whether it's for Bible studies,

small groups, lunch, social gatherings, or travel.

Join us some time and find your

faith flourishing

in a community of believers.

Afternoon Bible Study & Lunch

Join us for Bible Study in the

Adult Fellowship Room immediately following worship services followed by Sunday Lunch at one of the local area restaurants. You're welcome to join us for one or both! 


Take a look at the calendar for the 2024 dates!

Ladies Christmas Brunch

Christmas Party 2022

Christmas Party 2023

Ladies Field Trip to Kerrville

Twelve Messiah ladies were able to break away from their normal routine to go to the Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden in Kerrville,  one of the top tourist attractions in the world!  That's one advantage of a small church. You want to do something. Organize it, and let's do it! Sharon Loren organized this field trip for us to enjoy the morning at the Sculpture Prayer Garden, surrounded by scripture and prayer rocks, and lunch together at Mamacita's.

More Fellowship Opportunities

As a church family, we often look for opportunities to gather on other than Sunday mornings.  Lindy has created monthly opportunities so we don't have to wait for special occasions, and Mark is starting a new one in 2024. This is where fellowship, ministry, and mission can come together.